Monday, March 06, 2006

1) reclaimed weekends and wednesday evenings..
2) proper meals aka home cooked food... no more snacks..
3) proper napping place.. ie on a bed.. rather than slouching on the dining hall chair and catching forty winks (or more)
4) have time to do work.. (not that i do work all the time when Mnight rehearsals are taking place, but it takes away the all the time slots that are available.. perfect excuse not to do work..)
5) listening to Sabarlah by Urban Exchange, Berhenti Berharap by Sheila on 7, and Cannonball by Damien Rice more often than.... errr brushing my teeth?
6) wondering how would IC Mnight 2007 be.. after all the convincing that IC Mnight 2006 was the best yet!
7) to see months of meticulous preparations and plannings get destroyed in minutes..
8) have football weekends to look forward too again! oh spring + hyde park, here i come!

oh, Alan Chew, i think u sang better than all of the original singers in those 3 songs... will try to get a copy of the recorded singing then compare!


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