Tuesday, April 05, 2005

1st post!!


the 1st post of this blog! after "much" discussion, we've decided to start blogging (like everyone else.. ) Its quite a cool idea really.. can place our journals online now.. hehe..

There's so much to start.. I'm already thinking that we need to place our current photos here.. n see how we evolve from here.. heheh i'll have to post a photo of me with my long hair! hahah

yeah.. we took quite long to decide on the name of our blog... asymptote.. cool rite? too bad i couldn't get asymptote.blogspot.com , or else it would be soo much cooler.. some other suggestions worth mention are influx, casa, metaphor n some other nonsense..

anyway.. i'll leave this for now... let mel have a chance to post something too! =)



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